Corrosion Probe

Corrarter corrosion probe electrode probe. Coupon Holder Assemblies provide a
retractable means of coupon monitoring in processes at
pressures up to 1500 PSI/10.3 MPa and temperatures up
to 500º F/260º C. Insertion of the coupon holder can be
adjusted to permit coupon positioning at precisely the
desired point within the process. Standard lengths are
available in 18, 24, 30 and 36 inches
External ID: 3126625
Category: Instrumentation
Subcategory: Instrumentation, Other
Stock: 1
Manufacturer: Cosasco
Model: —
Serial No: —
Part No: 8012-24-060942-1
Year: —
Weight [kg]: 2
Dimension (L x B x H) [m]: 0,88x0,19x0,18
Condition: Good
Tag No: —
InternalID: 11979